Regulated by

To ensure the quality of our services, we are a member of various organisations. This means you can be sure that you are working with a reliable partner in the residential and healthcare real estate market.

Capital Value is regulated by RICS
RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) is a leading, independent and representative professional organisation for qualifications and standards in the real estate, property and construction industry. This means that we use a strict code of conduct and strive for the highest professional and ethical standards.

We adhere to the guidelines of IVBN
IVBN is an interest organisation of institutional property investors. IVBN members aim to diligently handle the interests of their tenants and have drawn up a code of conduct for this purpose. We use the IVBN code of conduct as a standard in sales transactions effected under our guidance.

Our valuation services are ISAE 3402 Type II certified
ISAE is an internationally recognised standard. For our valuations services, we have an ISAE 3402 Type II report. This means that an accountant has analysed the entire valuation process and verified the consistency and verifiability of our work processes.

We are a member of NVM Business
NVM Business is the association of the Dutch Association of Real Estate Agents and Valuers (NVM) specialised in commercial real estate. It has 750 affiliated real estate agents and valuers. NVM Business sets high standards of professional competence for its members and is committed to promoting integrity within the sector.