Privacy statement

The privacy statement below applies to all site visits, transactions and agreements with Capital Value B.V. , Capital Value Taxaties B.V. and Capital Value Consultancy B.V. (hereinafter: Capital Value) Maliebaan 85, 3581 CG Utrecht.

Capital Value respects your privacy and personal data are processed in accordance with the applicable privacy regulations in the Netherlands. This privacy statement shows how Capital Value obtains your personal data, which personal data are processed, for what purposes and what rights you can exercise under the General Data Protection Regulation (Algemene Verordering Gegevensbescherming).

Personal data
Personal data includes all information about an identified or identifiable natural person. We may, among other things, process the following personal data:

  • Basic information, such as your first and last name, gender, job title and title;
  • Contact information, such as your email, postal address (business) and telephone number;
  • Information about your company or organisation;
  • (Previous) newsletters, mailings and/or invitation for events that we have sent you;
  • Information regarding your visit to our website;
  • Personal data that you provide to us for a job application, such as your first and last name, date of birth, address, telephone number, nationality, marital status and all other personal details stated in your job application;
  • All other personal data that you provide to us or that we can obtain in connection with the purposes and based on the principles as stated below.

Obtaining personal data
We collect this personal data because you have provided it to us. For example, you provide data when entering into an agreement with us, by entering your details on our website, by giving us your business card, or by applying for a job. We may also obtain your personal data from other sources, such as the Trade Register (Handelsregister), the Land Registry (Kadaster) or by using public sources (e.g. LinkedIn or the organisation where you work).

Purposes of use
Capital Value processes your personal data for marketing and business development purposes, to be able to send appropriate residential investment offers, improvement of our services and website, handling of your job application, to meet our legal obligations in case of an agreement, social media sharing and doing research on the residential (investment) market.

We only want to inform you about the developments on the residential  and healthcare real estate market that are relevant to you. In addition, we use the information we receive from you to better understand your preferences and wishes and to improve our digital messages and propositions.

Storage period
Your personal data will be processed until you inform Capital Value that you no longer wish to receive (digital) messages.

Your rights
At the bottom of every digital mailing you receive from Capital Value, you can unsubscribe via the ‘unsubscribe’ link. It is also possible to unsubscribe or withdraw your consent by sending an email to

In addition, you have the right to request Capital Value to provide access to your personal data and/ or to correct it, supplement it, delete or shield it, and / or limit it. You can address such a request to For a complete overview of your rights and the privacy legislation, we refer you to the website of the Dutch Authority for Personal Data,

Finally, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Authority for Personal Data.

Provision of data
Your personal details are not provided to third parties without your express consent, provided that this is necessary to carry out a specific agreement, to provide a specific service or if the law so requires.

Data security
Capital Value makes use of careful security procedures for the provision of the processed data, to prevent, among others, that unauthorized persons get access to this data unintentionally. We secure your details with all possible means, but because of the public character of the internet we cannot guarantee the safety of the transfer of information via the internet for 100%.

On our website we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be placed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone. Both functional and non-functional cookies are being used.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. Via these cookies, we get insight in the visits to our website. Think of visitor numbers, popular pages and topics. In this way we can better tailor the communication to the needs of the website visitors. We cannot see who (which PC) visits the website. Google can do this as a provider of the service.

Links to other websites
Our internet pages contain links to other websites. Capital Value is not responsible for the privacy policy of websites that do not fall under the management of Capital Value.

Intellectual property rights
All rights, including all intellectual property rights to all content information on the Capital Value website, are at all times reserved to Capital Value. Use is not permitted without written permission from Capital Value.

Changes to the privacy statement

Capital Value reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time and for any reason. Naturally, we remain within the limits of the privacy regulations. The most recent version of the privacy statement is available on our website. For this reason we advise you to consult our website regularly.

If you have questions or comments about the processing of your personal data, please contact Capital Value, or +31 30 72 71 700.

Date: January 2024