Capital Value holds discussions with international investors

News 18 Nov 2016

Last month, a seminar on the housing and mortgage market in the Netherlands was held at the Dutch embassy in London. Capital Value took part along with around 30 other international companies. The seminar was focused on developments in the Dutch housing market.

After being received by the Dutch Ambassador in London, Mr Smits, Minister Blok gave an explanation of the Dutch housing market reforms in recent years. He made it clear that these reforms will lead to a more resilient and solid housing market.   Mr Gielen, director of the Nationale Hypotheek Garantie NHG (National Mortgage Guarantee scheme), gave a presentation on the financing of Dutch owner-occupied housing via NHG. This revealed that increasing numbers of consumers that purchase a home do so with an NHG guarantee, which means a lower risk for banks and improved affordability for consumers.   In conclusion, Ms Schaafsma, Vice President of Moody’s, gave an analysis of the Dutch mortgage market, which revealed that Dutch mortgages have a relatively low risk profile internationally. This is because the number of forced sales remained minimal during the crisis.   The seminar was followed by a dinner at the Dutch ambassador’s residence. Together with Minister Blok and the Dutch ambassador in London, Capital Value held discussions with 10 international funds. The key question involved how to invest in the Dutch rental sector and construction of new rented housing.