
Insights are our publications of our research on the residential and healthcare real estate market. Are you interested in more detailed research data? Have a look at or read more on our research page.

Insights 8 Jun 2022

Reducing VAT to 9 per cent could prevent collapse in construction of affordable rental homes in the Netherlands

The housing shortage in the Netherlands will grow explosively in the coming years as a result of the lapse in building output, the expected reduction in building permits issued in 2022, and the continued...

Insights 10 Feb 2022

Housing shortage in the Netherlands will increase for at least three years to 316,000 homes in 2024

With a housing shortage of almost 279,000 homes (3.5% of the stock), the pressure on the Dutch housing market is unprecedented. Despite the current efforts of the government and market parties, the...

Insights 3 Feb 2022

Student housing investment volume increases to EUR 430 million in 2021

An approximate total of EUR 430 million was invested in student housing in 2021. This represents a growth of 35% compared to the investment volume in 2020. Research by Capital Value shows that approximately...

Insights 11 Jan 2022

Dutch healthcare real estate investment volume again exceeds 1 billion euros

The healthcare real estate investment volume in the Netherlands remained stable in 2021, exceeding 1 billion euros for the third year in a row. Investments totalled 1.1 billion euros. Care homes represented...

Insights 16 Dec 2021

Record investment volume in Dutch new-build rental homes, more than ?3 billion unused due to lack of supply

The investment volume in new-build rental homes rose to a record height in 2021. An analysis conducted by Capital Value shows that the volume of new-build rental homes acquired by Dutch and international...

Insights 9 Nov 2021

Lower transaction volume in Dutch residential market

The transaction volume in the Dutch residential investment market came to 4.2 billion euros in the first nine months of 2021 (Q1 through Q3). This is a 41% decrease compared to the same period in 2020,...

Insights 26 Oct 2021

Record 75,000 building permits not enough to reduce housing shortage

More than 47,000 building permits for new homes were issued from January to August 2021, approximately 15% more than in the same period of the previous year. Following a strong start in the first few ...

Insights 3 Aug 2021

Growth of Dutch healthcare real estate market continues after strong first six months

Research by Capital Value has shown that Dutch healthcare real estate investments in the first half of 2021 amounted to a record 458 million euros, a 22% increase compared to the first half of 2020. The...

Insights 3 Aug 2021

Largest price increase in 20 years for owner-occupied homes in the Netherlands

In the second quarter of 2021, prices of existing owner-occupied homes in the Netherlands again increased by no less than 13%, compared to the same period last year. Prices of existing owner-occupied ...

Insights 14 Jul 2021

Transaction volume residential investments reduced by half in first six months of 2021

Over the first six months of 2021, a total of 2.24 billion euros in rental homes was sold. This can be shown from research by Capital Value. Compared to 2020, this figure is half of what it was over the...

Insights 23 Apr 2021

Only 3 per cent more building permits in the first two months of 2021

The housing shortage in the Netherlands will become even more pressing if the new cabinet does not push for faster processes. In the first two months of 2021, a total of 9,985 building permits were...

Insights 31 Mar 2021

The effect of the Dutch elections on the Dutch residential investment market

The recently held Dutch elections showed that the liberal-conservative party VVD is once again the largest party with 34 seats (out of 150 in total), followed by the social liberal D66, who became the...