Everything about healthcare real estate

Intramural care complexes
Medical clinics
Healthcare centres
Extramural care complexes
Our expertise

How can we assist you with Dutch healthcare real estate?

If you have an interest in Dutch healthcare real estate and are seeking a partner for advice on acquisition or disposition, or you require a valuation or strategic advice based on the latest data, our team is here to help.

Tailored solutions and personalised service
We know all there is to know about the latest developments, opportunities and challenges in the Dutch healthcare sector, and constantly remain up-to-date on relevant legislation and regulations. We also have an extensive network among stakeholders in the healthcare sector. We are committed every day to bringing together market parties and healthcare institutions, with a focus on tailored solutions and personalised service.

Our services in healthcare real estate
We are here for you

Professional players in the healthcare real estate market

  • Institutional investors
  • Healthcare institutions
  • Private investors
  • Housing associations
  • Developers
  • Financial institutions
  • Local and national government
  • International investors

Do you have a question about Dutch healthcare real estate?

Contact our specialists directly. Do you prefer that we call you back? Please leave your contact details via the form below.

Market knowledge

Healthcare real estate figures online

We are committed to constantly researching developments within the healthcare real estate segment and sharing this knowledge with the market.  We keep track of transaction volumes and regularly publicise our findings.

Analysis transaction volume

Besides reporting on transaction volumes, every year we conduct a large-scale survey in cooperation with ABF Research. For this survey we interview a large number of parties including healthcare investors. The survey results are available on our data platform.

Visit our data platform

Since 80% of the healthcare real estate in the Netherlands is outdated, we are facing a considerable sustainability challenge

Manon Kuipers, director healthcare real estate
Our services in healthcare real estate
Our expertise