WWS analysis for the impact of the Affordable Rent Act

Case Residential | Consultancy

For both investors and developers, we regularly conduct WWS analyses to assess the expected impact of proposed rent regulation in the mid-market rental segment.

How does a WWS analysis work?
Based on the proposed programme and an analysis of sales, rental, and investment comparables, we estimate the expected sales revenue. We then analyse the housing programme in light of the new WWS and future rent regulation. This allows us to estimate the number of WWS points per housing type, thereby determining the difference between the current market rent and the maximum reasonable rent price. With this information, our clients can make strategic decisions regarding their housing portfolio.

This case is an example of our consultancy services to developers and investors. Would you like to receive more information or are you interested in the impact of new regulations on your portfolio? Please contact Rick van Zwet.


''With up-to-date and in-depth knowledge of Dutch regulations, we can immediately assess the impact on your portfolio.''

Rick van Zwet, Principal Consultant Capital Value