Valuation of the S. Van Mesdag clinic in Groningen

Case Healthcare | Valuation

For  Rabobank, we conducted the valuation of the S. Van Mesdag clinic in Groningen for financing purposes. S. Van Mesdag is a clinic for forensic psychiatric patients. The entire complex covers more than 30,000 square meters and accommodates over 250 clients.

Key facts
Client Rabobank
Type of assignment Valuation
Building  FPC Dr. S. Van Mesdag
Location Groningen
Number of units 270

This case is an example of our valuation services provided to financial institutions. If you would like more information about this case or if you are  interested in the valuation of healthcare real estate, please contact Danny La Rose.

''This was a unique opportunity to apply our expertise in the valuation of healthcare real estate.''

Danny La Rose, director Capital Value