Acquisition of 41 social housing units in Rhenen

Case Residential | Transaction

We advised Rhenam Wonen on the acquisition  of 41 social housing units from Mooiland in Rhenen. All the units are part of the DAEB segment. The sale was driven by Mooiland’s desire to transfer rental properties outside their core region to regionally anchored housing associations, which can leverage their networks to have a greater impact in the community.

Key facts
Client Rhenam Wonen
Type of assignment Acquisition transaction
Number of units 41
Location Rhenen
Buyer Mooiland

This case is an example of our transaction services to housing associations. Would you like more information about this transaction, or are you interested in buying, selling, or exchanging housing association properties? Please contact Jacoline van den Berg.

''With this transaction from one housing association to the other, the houses remain within the social housing sector.''

Jacoline van den Berg, real estate adviser Capital Value