Sale of 407 rental apartments in The Orchard, Rijswijk

Case Residential | Transaction

For 3W Real Estate & AT Capital, we sold 407 mid-range rental apartments in Rijswijk. Greystar purchased 407 mid-range rental apartments in The Orchard I, and MN Dutch Real Estate acquired 75 apartments in the retail section of The Orchard II on behalf of PMT.

Key facts
Client 3W Real Estate & AT Capital
Type of assignment Sale transaction
Number of units 407
Location Rijswijk
Buyer Greystar

This case is an example of our transaction services for developers. Would you like more information about this case, or are you looking to sell a new development or land position? Please contact  Arjan Peerboom.

"The Orchard I and II make a significant contribution to reducing the housing shortage in the The Hague region."

Arjan Peerboom, director Capital Value